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African Union Continental Artificial Intelligence Strategy

The Continental AI Strategy supports the AU Agenda 2063’s vision. It is rooted in Africa’s unique challenges and opportunities, as the continent can leverage its youth’s digital native talent, natural resources, huge market and geopolitical position to develop and promote an ethical, responsible and inclusive AI that empowers people and contributes to the continent's economic growth, social progress and cultural renaissance.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles The Continental AI Strategy supports the AU Agenda 2063’s vision. It is rooted in Africa’s unique challenges and opportunities, as the continent can leverage its youth’s digital native talent, natural resources, huge market and geopolitical position to develop and promote an ethical, responsible and inclusive AI that empowers people and contributes to the continent's economic growth, social progress and cultural renaissance.

Annotation on Data Governance A multi-tiered governance approach will be needed to ensure that responsible AI ecosystems are enabled, the benefits of AI are equally distributed, risks are mitigated and harms addressed, and that the development and use of AI across Africa is transparent and accountable to its people. African AI governance will consider emerging best practices both within the region and globally on AI policy and regulation (e.g., EU AI Act, Canadian AI and Data Act, UK Artificial Intelligence Regulation, etc.,) and consider the different levels of AI use and adoption by diverse actors within African AI ecosystems. A robust governance regime for Africa will align with existing relevant national legislation and continental frameworks, augmenting them and addressing regulatory gaps and policy areas.

Protocol to the Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area on Digital Trade (Draft)

Having regard to the aspirations of the AU Agenda 2063 and the Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-2030), and digital trade related matters incorporated in the relevant instruments of the AU, Regional Economic Communities, as well as international instruments and agreements.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles Having regard to the aspirations of the AU Agenda 2063 and the Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-2030), and digital trade related matters incorporated in the relevant instruments of the AU, Regional Economic Communities, as well as international instruments and agreements.

Annotation on Data Governance State parties shall, subject to an Annex on Cross-Border Data Transfers, allow the cross border transfer of data, including personal data by electronic means, provided the activity is for the conduct of digital trade by a person of a State Party. Each State Party shall adopt or maintain a legal framework that provides for the protection of the personal data of natural persons engaged in digital trade.

Legal Framework on Data Protection and Privacy in Côte d’Ivoire, The Current Status and The Future

This law regulates the use of electronic communications in Ivory Coast, including data protection and privacy issues. It establishes the authority responsible for regulating electronic communications, and outlines the procedures for obtaining licences and permits for electronic communications services.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles This law regulates the use of electronic communications in Ivory Coast, including data protection and privacy issues. It establishes the authority responsible for regulating electronic communications, and outlines the procedures for obtaining licences and permits for electronic communications services.

Annotation on Data Governance Regulating the use of electronic communications in Côte d’Ivoire, including data protection and privacy issues.

Law No. 2013-451 of 19 June 2013 Relating to the Fight against Cybercrime

This law establishes the legal framework for addressing cybersecurity and cybercrime in Côte d’Ivoire. The act outlines the offences related to cybercrime and the penalties for such offences. It also provides for the establishment of a national computer security incident response team.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles This law establishes the legal framework for addressing cybersecurity and cybercrime in Côte d’Ivoire. The act outlines the offences related to cybercrime and the penalties for such offences. It also provides for the establishment of a national computer security incident response team.

Annotation on Data Governance There is established the Penal Procedure Code.

Law Relating to Access to Information of Public Interest

This law aims to establish the rules for accessing information of public interest and public documents. It specifies the applicable and non-applicable information and documents. It also outlines the procedures for accessing public information and documents, and provides for criminal sanctions in case of violation of the terms of the law.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles This law aims to establish the rules for accessing information of public interest and public documents. It specifies the applicable and non-applicable information and documents. It also outlines the procedures for accessing public information and documents, and provides for criminal sanctions in case of violation of the terms of the law.

Annotation on Data Governance Establishment of a Commission of Access to Information of Public Interest as the overall governing body.

Law No. 2013-450 on the Protection of Personal Data

The Law establishes a comprehensive data protection framework, including addressing matters such as prior authorisation for processing sensitive data, defining consent as a central principle, necessitating data protection officer appointments, and providing restrictions on data transfers.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles The Law establishes a comprehensive data protection framework, including addressing matters such as prior authorisation for processing sensitive data, defining consent as a central principle, necessitating data protection officer appointments, and providing restrictions on data transfers.

Annotation on Data Governance Establishes a comprehensive data protection framework and a data protection authority.

Copyright and Related Rights Law

The purpose of the present law is to lay down the rules governing the protection of copyright and related rights. The present law applies to works created in Côte d’Ivoire ; -to works created abroad by Ivorian nationals; -works by foreign nationals published for the first time in Côte d'Ivoire first time in Côte d'Ivoire ; - works of which at least one of the co-authors or any other original copyright holder is a Côte d'Ivoire national or has his habitual residence or registered office in Côte d'lvoire; -literary and artistic works entitled to protection under an international treaty to which Côte d'lvoire is a party.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles The purpose of the present law is to lay down the rules governing the protection of copyright and related rights. The present law applies to works created in Côte d’Ivoire ; -to works created abroad by Ivorian nationals; -works by foreign nationals published for the first time in Côte d'Ivoire first time in Côte d'Ivoire ; - works of which at least one of the co-authors or any other original copyright holder is a Côte d'Ivoire national or has his habitual residence or registered office in Côte d'lvoire; -literary and artistic works entitled to protection under an international treaty to which Côte d'lvoire is a party.

Annotation on Data Governance Provision for Intellectual Property (IP) Regulatory Body in Côte d’Ivoire.

National Media Commission Act (Act 449)

AN ACT to establish a National Media Commission to promote and ensure the freedom and independence of the media for mass communication and information in accordance with Chapter Twelve of the Constitution and to provide for related matters.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles AN ACT to establish a National Media Commission to promote and ensure the freedom and independence of the media for mass communication and information in accordance with Chapter Twelve of the Constitution and to provide for related matters.

Annotation on Data Governance Establishment of a National Media Commission - To maintain high standards of journalism - Registration of news outlets

National Communications Authority Act (Act 769)

AN ACT to establish the National Communications Authority as the central body to licence and regulate communications activities and services in the country; and to provide for related purposes.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles AN ACT to establish the National Communications Authority as the central body to licence and regulate communications activities and services in the country; and to provide for related purposes.

Annotation on Data Governance Establishes the National Communications Authority to monitor all national communications in Ghana, as well as grant communication licences.

Ghana Health Service and Teaching Hospitals Act (Act 525) (With Amendments)

An Act to establish the Ghana Health Service, to provide for related matters including its functions and membership; to provide for the administration and management of institutions in the Health Service including state-owned hospitals and health stations; to continue the existence and operation of Teaching Hospitals and to provide for matters related to the foregoing.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles An Act to establish the Ghana Health Service, to provide for related matters including its functions and membership; to provide for the administration and management of institutions in the Health Service including state-owned hospitals and health stations; to continue the existence and operation of Teaching Hospitals and to provide for matters related to the foregoing.

Annotation on Data Governance Specifies that there should be governance of national health policies. Sets the Ghana Health Service Council as the overall governing body for policies, monitoring, evaluation, administration, institutional care, human resource, finance.