

Authoring Year
Authoring Entity

National Communications Authority Act (Act 769)

AN ACT to establish the National Communications Authority as the central body to licence and regulate communications activities and services in the country; and to provide for related purposes.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles AN ACT to establish the National Communications Authority as the central body to licence and regulate communications activities and services in the country; and to provide for related purposes.

Annotation on Data Governance Establishes the National Communications Authority to monitor all national communications in Ghana, as well as grant communication licences.

Education Act (Act 778)

An Act to establish for an educational system intended to produce well balanced individuals with the requisite knowledge, skills, values, aptitudes and attitudes to become functional and productive citizens for the total development and democratic advancement of the nation, and for related matters.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles An Act to establish for an educational system intended to produce well balanced individuals with the requisite knowledge, skills, values, aptitudes and attitudes to become functional and productive citizens for the total development and democratic advancement of the nation, and for related matters.

Annotation on Data Governance Establishes a National Teaching Council and a National Council for Curriculum Assessment.

Electronic Transaction Act

This Act provides for the regulation of electronic communications and related transactions and to provide for connected purposes.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles This Act provides for the regulation of electronic communications and related transactions and to provide for connected purposes.

Annotation on Data Governance This Act provides for the regulation of electronic communications and related transactions and to provide for connected purposes.

Electronic Communications Act (Act 775)

This Act provides for the regulation of electronic communications, the regulation of broadcasting, the use of the electro-magnetic spectrum and for related matters.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles This Act provides for the regulation of electronic communications, the regulation of broadcasting, the use of the electro-magnetic spectrum and for related matters.

Annotation on Data Governance This Act provides for the regulation of electronic communications, the regulation of broadcasting, the use of the electro-magnetic spectrum and for related matters.