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African Union Continental Artificial Intelligence Strategy

The Continental AI Strategy supports the AU Agenda 2063’s vision. It is rooted in Africa’s unique challenges and opportunities, as the continent can leverage its youth’s digital native talent, natural resources, huge market and geopolitical position to develop and promote an ethical, responsible and inclusive AI that empowers people and contributes to the continent's economic growth, social progress and cultural renaissance.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles The Continental AI Strategy supports the AU Agenda 2063’s vision. It is rooted in Africa’s unique challenges and opportunities, as the continent can leverage its youth’s digital native talent, natural resources, huge market and geopolitical position to develop and promote an ethical, responsible and inclusive AI that empowers people and contributes to the continent's economic growth, social progress and cultural renaissance.

Annotation on Data Governance A multi-tiered governance approach will be needed to ensure that responsible AI ecosystems are enabled, the benefits of AI are equally distributed, risks are mitigated and harms addressed, and that the development and use of AI across Africa is transparent and accountable to its people. African AI governance will consider emerging best practices both within the region and globally on AI policy and regulation (e.g., EU AI Act, Canadian AI and Data Act, UK Artificial Intelligence Regulation, etc.,) and consider the different levels of AI use and adoption by diverse actors within African AI ecosystems. A robust governance regime for Africa will align with existing relevant national legislation and continental frameworks, augmenting them and addressing regulatory gaps and policy areas.

Protocol to the Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area on Digital Trade (Draft)

Having regard to the aspirations of the AU Agenda 2063 and the Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-2030), and digital trade related matters incorporated in the relevant instruments of the AU, Regional Economic Communities, as well as international instruments and agreements.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles Having regard to the aspirations of the AU Agenda 2063 and the Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-2030), and digital trade related matters incorporated in the relevant instruments of the AU, Regional Economic Communities, as well as international instruments and agreements.

Annotation on Data Governance State parties shall, subject to an Annex on Cross-Border Data Transfers, allow the cross border transfer of data, including personal data by electronic means, provided the activity is for the conduct of digital trade by a person of a State Party. Each State Party shall adopt or maintain a legal framework that provides for the protection of the personal data of natural persons engaged in digital trade.

Gender Data in Evolving Data Ecosystems

Discover the intricate dynamics of data governance and its impact on African societies in this insightful report. Over the past two decades, digitization has significantly transformed economies and daily lives across the continent, generating a wealth of data with the potential for empowered and thriving societies. However, the realization of these benefits is a point of contention, with varying levels of maturity in data economies and differences in the prioritization of citizen rights.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles Discover the intricate dynamics of data governance and its impact on African societies in this insightful report. Over the past two decades, digitization has significantly transformed economies and daily lives across the continent, generating a wealth of data with the potential for empowered and thriving societies. However, the realization of these benefits is a point of contention, with varying levels of maturity in data economies and differences in the prioritization of citizen rights.

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Unlocking the Power in Gender Data

As the role of data becomes widely understood, the value of gender data remains underappreciated globally. This is also the case on the African continent. Gender data, which is a step further from sex-disaggregated data, can be understood mainly as data seeking to uncover and untangle the power imbalances within data ecosystems. This research therefore seeks to elucidate this gap and provide a path around it. Specifically, an approach analysing data governance through the Afro-feminist lens has been adopted particularly with the aim to make a case for and put into view gender data, while working towards more equitable data ecosystems.

Annotation of Afro Feminist Principles As the role of data becomes widely understood, the value of gender data remains underappreciated globally. This is also the case on the African continent. Gender data, which is a step further from sex-disaggregated data, can be understood mainly as data seeking to uncover and untangle the power imbalances within data ecosystems. This research therefore seeks to elucidate this gap and provide a path around it. Specifically, an approach analysing data governance through the Afro-feminist lens has been adopted particularly with the aim to make a case for and put into view gender data, while working towards more equitable data ecosystems.

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